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/ Revista CD Expert 28 / CD Expert nº 28 Hexen II.7z / CD Expert nº 28 Hexen II.bin / INSTALL / HEXEN2 / data1 / pak0.pak / models / archerhd.mdl < prev    next >
Unknown  |  1997-10-01  |  22KB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
66% dexvert DigiTrakker Module (digiTrakker) ext
1% dexvert Half Life Model (halfLifeModel) ext
1% dexvert MoRay 3D Model (moRay) ext
1% dexvert Crystal Atari Browser Module (crystalAtariBrowserModule) ext
100% file DIY-Thermocam raw data (Lepton 2.x), scale 257-257, spot sensor temperature 0.000000, unit fahrenheit, color scheme 1, show spot sensor, show scale bar, minimum point enabled, calibration: offset 4194572472564517437440.000000, slope 4194572472564517437440.000000 default
99% file data default